Sunday, May 20, 2007
Long time no blog!
Sorry for the hiatus, but it has been good for me. So what has been happening!

We have surpassed the 1 year mark and cruising towards 14 months logged in on the 11th of June. Currently those that are about to receive a referral will have been waiting almost 19 months when referrals finally do come. That will put them at roughly a 20-21 month wait when they do travel. Every month the wait seems to be increasing by 1/2 a month. So for the referrals after next, the wait will probably be at 20 months.

According to China Adoption Forecast ,

Our prediction for LID 2006-04-11
Our best guess - a weighted average of recent CCAA velocities, guessing that CCAA will perform about as well in the future as they are performing now, but might return to previous trends: 2008-04-11
That's our best guess for when you might receive your referral. For completeness, we can also show the largest likely range for your referral, based on the CCAA either going as fast as it has ever gone, or as slow as it has ever gone. The CCAA probably won't do either of these things (go as fast or as slow as it has ever gone before, and stay at that speed), so your referral is very likely to come somewhere in between these dates: 2007-09-25 to 2015-01-11. We just told you these dates are a minimum and a maximum, not a likely outcome.
Since China generally sends out referrals in a batch about once per month, your referral date could easily vary +/- one month depending on whether you just get included or just get missed in a particular batch.

Our secret pal sent us a great gift! We received a great tag ball toy and a stacker toy! Thank you secret pal!

Now I need to start working on some sort of organizer for all these great toys. Any suggestions?


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