Monday, February 27, 2006
Little Ladybug & Homestudy Hell
I love this little ladybug outfit from gymboree! It is just too cute. Now where is the little girl that belongs in it? I went a little nuts buying clothes the other day and got some extras to put on eBay. So if you are interested, click here!

In other news, I am not quite sure how they managed to do it but my home study agency has screwed up. I was told that they sent the homestudy to immigration last week and they were mailing my copies. Well, I got my copy the other day and right away noticed that my address was wrong. Upon further inspection I caught many errors. Umm, like PAGE #2 IS MISSING! Arg!!!!!I had already sent my corrections to them the week before so why didn't they send me the finished copy to proofread before mailing it off?!?!?!?!?

Another nice mistake that I found was where they left a sentence in that I had written about correcting our address. Who proofreads this stuff anyway? Isn't the $1200 that I payed them enough to catch these mistakes? So I am a little miffed! I wrote them an email and called today and finally got contacted after 5 pm that she was out of the office til Wed. So as of right now I have no idea if immigration got the same copy that I did. I am sure if they did they are having a good laugh over the mistakes. Thank God we have enough time to get this all fixed.


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